Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Summer has always been one of my favorite times of year.  I love that the days are longer, the weather is warm, and there always seems to be something to do or see.  It doesn't hurt that my birthday is in June either.  This year, the husband bought me a fancy new printer so I can print professional quality copies of my work.  I'm hoping to start offering original prints and paper goods in the shop soon so keep a look out!  

Because I'm not working over the summer, and school is out for me until the end of August, I've been keeping myself busy by taking an internship at a printing company, working on new designs for fall, and working on things around the house.  Besides the work I've been doing in my studio I've also repainted the kitchen (a crisp white) and I'm trying to force motivate myself to paint our master bathroom.  I started painting it several months ago, got busy with school, and then just kind of lost the will to work on it.  At the moment it looks shameful.  Imagine hospital gown green partially covered with a blotchy layer of white.  Sad. My goal is to suck it up and get it done this weekend.  We'll see.



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